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Contributing to proyecto NAVE (and other Spanish Mozilla projects)

How can I help with localization?

Currently, localization can be split into two sides:

  • Product localization: products are managed by three people and are kept up to date without glitches so far, so it is not needed any further support. Besides, the learning curve is somehow steep, it is probably the worst side to start with :-)
  • Web content localization: we include here from in-product pages (Web pages located at, and, if any, that are displayed in Spanish) to existing documentation translation at Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) and Mozilla Support (SUMO) and articles for the Mozilla Links Spanish version, as well as the Web UI of several Mozilla Web sites (Mozilla Addons, MDN, SUMO, etc.), which are translated using the Verbatim Web tool. All this content is translated together with the rest of Mozilla Spanish communities (Mozilla Argentina, ChileMoz, Mozilla Colombia, Mozilla México, etc.), even when, in the end, we need to provide country-specific variants.

It is in the Web content side where you can always help us. To coordinate the translation, and also to discuss about a lot of other community issues, as support to user, our own documentation, the promotion and spreading of Mozilla and even developing addons for Firefox and other Mozilla applications, the mailing list MH-General is used.

For some of the localization tasks, other, more specific, communication channels exist, like the used for the MDN documentation translation in their mailing list and newsgroups, and the SUMO mailing list, although this latter one is internal and you will need to introduce yourself in Comunidad-Mozilla to get you subscribed by moderators.

Please, note that all mentioned mailing lists and newsgroups use Spanish as the primary language.

Sometimes other support tasks arise, like our Web site design, o closely tracking bugs. For details, see the How to contribute page.

Below you can see a task list. If you think you can help us with some of them, you can contact us through the contact form. Once you complete a task, if you feel like keep involved with us, you can subscribe to our mailing list.

Task list is also available as an RSS feed.

What about if I'm not a Spaniard, yet I speak Spanish?

Proyecto NAVE is devoted to Mozilla localization into Spanish as spoken in Spain (es-ES); of course, your nationality doesn't limit your ability to contribute. However, you should know that there are equivalent teams for other Spanish variants, where you might be more interested to contribute. You can visit the Community page at Mozilla Hispano to access an up-to-date list with all existing regional communities.

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Traducir lista de documentos populares de Mozilla Support

Mozilla Support proporciona asistencia a usuarios de Firefox, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS, Thunderbird y Calendar entre otros, en distintos idiomas. Siempre hay artículos listos para traducir en los que puedes aportar tu granito de arena. Puedes ayudar a traducir los documentos más populares del inglés al castellano siguiendo las instrucciones de este apartado de la página Cómo colaborar.
